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West River Condo Development Overview


Several local properties are in consideration for re-development, including the following addresses:

  1. 50 Speers

  2. Kerr/Speers

  3. 58 and 62 Shephard Rd

  4. Dog Guides to Amica Retirement Residence - 152 Wilson St. Corner of Kerr & Rebecca

  5. 263 Kerr St.

The WRRA has attended several town meetings to provide the local residents feedback. Here is a good link to understand a bit more about how the town approaches development:

And a link to the current town of Oakville Official Plan: More details are available on several local development projects:

On January 23rd, Our President Nicole attended the Statutory Development Meeting. The purpose of this special council meeting, was to raise all of the issues from Staff, Council and the community. The main issue raised by the WRRA is the height of 27 stories. Our comments made at the council meeting are attached. The next step will be hearing from town staff on incorporating this feedback into the project. There is no timeframe for next steps but the province does mandate that it has a limit to how long the town can take. On December 5th, Nicole LeBlanc our WRRA president presented to Council. It was at this meeting that the request for an Official Plan Amendment was voted against by council. This was a surprise given that Town Staff were supportive for the project to receive approval. The owner of 550 Kerr has taken this fight to the OLT - Ontario Land Tribunal. We have issued the paperwork to act as a "Participant" which allows a representative (for the WRRA) to submit a statement. We have submitted the same statement that we presented at the above mentioned council meeting. The Case Management Conference is on February 28th. This meeting will lay the groundwork for the OLT hearing. We will continue to keep you updated on this project.

This is an approved building ready for sales activity to commence. Many would have seen the branding for "Gemini Condos" going up on the building at 33 Shephard Rd across the street. They were scheduled to open the Sales Center in January, but I stopped in last week and was told they are targeting late March or early April. Typically with condos, they need to sell 80% of units before starting construction, but this isn't always the case. We will continue to keep you updated on this progress.

On March 7, 2022 the Official Plan Amendement and Zoning By-law amendment were approved. The agreement for Amico properties was that the Dog Guides could stay until they new facility was complete. The earliest timeframe for this would have been 2023, but we have not heard any immediate plans for the move as of yet. We will continue to keep everyone updated on this project

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